Bar Mitzvah Celebration at Hadassah Hospital Brings Family Together

November 6, 2020

Bar Mitzvah Celebration at Hadassah Hospital Brings Family Together

Celebrating is tough enough in coronavirus times, but imagine learning that your six-month-old sister needs to be in hospitalized in the Pediatric Oncology Department in Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem on your special day. Hadassah Rabbi Moshe Klein suggested the family move the celebration into the department. Staff and volunteers converted a side room to a “bar mitzvah hall.”

While the bar mitzvah boy read his Torah portion, the staff took care of his sick baby sister.

“We look after children with cancer, but it’s always important to support their families, too,” says Department Head Nurse Carmela Cohen. “For this family we managed to bring everyone together for such an exciting event. We wept with joy together with the family.”

The mom and dad praised the work of the hospital staff “filled with sensitivity and compassion. May these Hadassah angels be blessed with a wonderful New Year, where they can help all their patients gain a full and fast recovery.”

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