The Hadassah Speakers Bureau offers top-tier speakers and experts who can inspire and engage audiences on everything from antisemitism or Alzhiemer’s disease to women’s health and Zionism. Whether you’re looking to inspire your current members or attract new ones, whether you are hosting a synagogue gathering, or community event, we’ve got a speaker for you.
Aileen Bormel of Baltimore is the new HMO Medical Staff in U.S. Engagement Chair, Hadassah Israel Travel Tour Leaders Co-Trainer, and a member of the Jewish Education Committee.
Barbara B. Spack is the Data Analysis & Impact Center Chair. She is also a member of the Hadassah Israel Team and Young Judaea Scholarship Team.
Bonnie Lipton of Highland Park, Illinois, is an advisor to the HMO Medical Staff in U.S. Engagement Team and one of the advisors to the Philanthropy Division.
Carol Ann Schwartz of Cincinnati, Ohio is the 28th National President of Hadassah.
Carol Goodman Kaufman of Worcester, Mass. sits on the Youth Aliyah B'nai Mitzvah Committee Team.
Carol Rosenthal of Sioux Falls, S.D. is currently serving as the Hadassah Israel Travel Tour Leaders Co-Trainer, and National Assembly Training Co-Chair.
Dr. Dale Marcus of Englewood Colo. is the chair for planned giving and estates, a member of the National Assembly, and a consultant for Building Hadassah Communities.
Dana Waxler, from Lookout Mountain, Ga., is the co-chair of annual giving in the Philanthropy Division. She is also simultaneously serving as the Chair of Associates in the philanthropy Division.
Debbie Kessler is currently the co-chair of Hadassah Israel Travel.
Deborah J. Wiskind of Ardsley, NY, is the Leadership Department chair. She previously served as the Metro resource chair, working with Hadassah Northern New Jersey, Hadassah Connecticut and all the New York regions.
Diane Issenberg is the Data Analysis & Impact Center Vice-Chair. Simultaneously, she is also serving as a Philanthropy Division Advisor, and Principle Giving Chair (Donor Experience & Major Gifts Department).
Diane Taub is the Vice Coordinator of the Organization Division. After spending most of her life in South Florida, Diane recently began the next chapter of her life by moving to Canton, Ga.
Dianne Gottlieb is the Philanthropy Division Campaign chair. She is the immediate past chair of the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) and a past member of the Board of Directors, HMO.
Ellen Hershkin is the chair of Hadassah's magazine. She is the immediate past chair of Hadassah Israel Travel. Ellen will be serving as an advisor to Hadassah Israel Travel.
Fran Feldman, of Boston, Massachusetts, is currently serving as a National Vice President.
Frieda Rosenberg of Merrick, N.Y. is currently the Co-coordinator of the Education & Advocacy Division.
Gail Black of West Caldwell, N.J. is the chair of the Membership Department in the Engagement Division. She is the immediate past membership vice chair in the same Division. xa
Gail Hammerman is Educators Council Co-Chair. She has previously served as a National Vice President.
Gilat Yeye is a former Head Nurse at Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) in Jerusalem.
Greta Rothschild, of Deerfield, Ill., is currently the national chair of Young Judaea.
Haren Haber of New City, N.Y. currently serves as the HMO visitor Follow-Up and is a member of the Donor Experience Team in the Philanthropy Division. She is proud to be a Keeper of the Gate and member of the Society of Major Donors.
Jill Sapperstein of Baltimore is a national vice president and Operations/Salesforce Advisor. She is the immediate past chair of operations in the National Executive Division
Dr. Judith Mann of Florida is chair of the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO).
Kacy Spivack presently serves as the National Assembly Training Co-Chair, and Blueprint Initiative (Training) Co-Chair She is the immediate past presidential development co-chair in the Organization Division and sits on the National Board.
Karen Bloom, currently of Oakland, Calif., is co-chair of the brand-new Hadassah Educators Council. She is currently the vice president of membership for Hadassah Central Pacific Coast.
Marcia Gabrilove Ladin of Rochester, N.Y. is the national secretary of Hadassah and the Young Judaea Social Media Chair.
Marcie Natan is the Youth Aliyah Co-Chair and a Past National President of Hadassah.
Marlene Edith Post is a past National President of Hadassah and is the current Chair of Hadassah Magazine.
Maureen (Miki) Schulman is Chair, Philanthropy Division Round Building.
Merna Shapiro is the Co-Coordinator of Engagement Division and is a member of the Governance, Ethics and Strategic Planning Committees.
Michele Rubin, a native of Chicago, Illinois, currently serves as the Youth Aliyah Co-Chair.
Michelle Conwisar of Bell Canyon, Calif. is currently a Philanthropy Division Campaign Vice-Chair She was the immediate past National Evolve: The Next Generation liaison, which helped to expand Hadassah’s outreach to a younger demographic in local communities.
Michelle Goldberg of Seattle is the Executive Division Co-Coordinator. She is the immediate past vice coordinator of the Engagement Division.
Michelle Hubertus is the Hadassah national treasurer and the 2024 Las Vegas meeting chair.
Naomi J. Brunnlehrman is the Director of Hadassah’s Education and Advocacy Division.
Natalie K. Silverman of Springfield, Ill. is the annual planner for Hadassah Northeast, Hadassah Mid-Atlantic, and Hadassah Midwest. Simultaneously, she is a member of the Youth Aliyah Stewardship Committee Team.
Dr. Ofelia Averack of McAllen, Texas is the chair of national grassroots Israel donor recognition. Simultaneously, she is also serving as a member of the Zionist Education Team and acts as a liaison.
Patricia Levinson, of St. Petersburg, Fla., is chair of Hadassah International communications.
Rhoda Smolow is currently the Hadassah BluePrint 2.0 co-chair. She is the immediate past 27th national president of Hadassah, and she recently served as the National Assembly training co-chair.
Rita Shapiro of Kansas City, MO is the national Hadassah chair of antisemitism in the Education & Advocacy Division.
Rochelle Edelman of Colorado Springs, Colo. is the resource chair Team Leader and resource chair for Hadassah West and she is on Hadassah’s Honorary Council.
Roz Kantor of Boynton Beach, Fla. is the national chair of the Society of Major Donors Luminaries.
Dr. Ruth Ann Freedman of Highland Park, Ill. is chair of institutional giving in the Philanthropy Division and an elected member of the National Board. Ruth Ann and her husband, Dan Wander, are the Midwest co-chairs for the Full Circle Campaign.
Sandra (Sandy) Einberg of Los Angeles is currently the resource chair for the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic Geographic Areas
Stephanie Z. Bonder is currently the chair of Speakers Bureau, as well as a member of the Antisemitism Committee and Zionist Education Team in the Education & Advocacy Division. She is also a member of the National Board of HWZOA.
Sue Polansky from Longmeadow, Mass. is the Zionist Affairs Vice Chair.
Susan Musicant Shikora of Sharon, Mass. is the Presidential Development co-chair.
Tracey Drayer of North Woodmere, N.Y. serves as coordinator of the Philanthropy Division and is a member of the National Board.
Valerie Lowenstein, from Chestnut Hill, Mass., is currently a national vice president, and she serves on the Executive Committee. Valerie is also a member of the Ethics Committee, the National Governance and Constitution Committee and the National Nurses and Allied Health Professional Council. She is currently serving as the co-chair of the Heart of Hadassah 2023 symposium in Chicago.
Viviane Kovacs of Searingtown, New York, is the Hadassah National Treasurer. She is also simultaneously serving as the Finance Division Coordinator and HMO Recognition Chair.