[Hadassah On Call:] At War: Heal Israel Now - Part 3

November 14, 2023

[Hadassah On Call:] At War: Heal Israel Now - Part 3

“Rehabilitation, I like defining as redefining hope,” said Tamar Elram, director of Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, during Hadassah’s latest At War: Heal Israel Now briefing, which is the subject of a special episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast.

Focused on the extensive rehabilitation and long-term recovery required by many patients at Hadassah’s hospitals due to war injuries, the briefing describes how Hadassah is helping patients through a multidisciplinary approach that heals both mind and body.

Tune in to hear from Dr. Shir Ben-Yehuda, a rehabilitation physician at the Hadassah Medical Organization, who’s been treating wounded police officers since the start of the war while enduring the direct impact of the terror attacks on her family at the same time, and Nir Barkat, Israel’s Minister of Economy and Industry and former mayor of Jerusalem, who said, following a visit with the wounded, “They’re really, really thankful for the care and the professional help that Hadassah has been giving.”

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