The words of the Mourner’s Kaddish have comforted Jews throughout the centuries. We recite it to honor loved ones who once filled our lives, and are now departed.
You can ensure that Kaddish will be said in Israel for your family member(s) in perpetuity, under Marc Chagall’s breathtaking stained glass windows depicting the 12 tribes of Israel in the Abbell Synagogue at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem.
You can also arrange an Advance Yahrzeit for yourself or a loved one before they have passed, providing peace of mind for you and easing the burden on your family.
For loved ones that have already passed away.
One-time tax-deductible donation of $1,000 includes:
Kaddish is recited on the Hebrew date of your loved one’s passing every year in perpetuity.
Inscription in the Hadassah Kaddish Prayer Book.
Reminders of the yahrzeit each year.
Who will say Kaddish for you or a loved one?
If you are unsure, please reserve an ADVANCE Perpetual Yahrzeit below.
For loved ones that have already passed away.
One-time tax-deductible donation of $5,000 includes:
Daily recitation of Kaddish for 11 months after burial.
Annual recitation thereafter on date of passing, in perpetuity.
Inscription in the Kaddish Prayer Book.
Reminders of the yahrzeit each year.
Who will say Kaddish for you or a loved one?
If you are unsure, please reserve an ADVANCE Enhanced Perpetual Yahrzeit below.
Your generous contribution honors the memory of the departed and provides healing and hope for patients at the Hadassah Medical Organization and throughout the world.
For additional information about Hadassah’s Perpetual Yahrzeit program, email or call toll-free at 1.877.212.3321