Hadassah Patient in Need of Prayers After Terrorist Stabbing Attack

March 7, 2016

Hadassah Patient in Need of Prayers After Terrorist Stabbing Attack

Tzvika Cohen, a husband and father to four, was working as a body guard on the day he got attacked by a terrorist in the entrance to the Maale Adumim mall. The terrorist, 21, was employed in the food court.

Tzvika was hit on the head with a hatchet and taken to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, where he remains in critical condition in the neurosurgical intensive care unit. He is fighting for his life, while being intubated and on a breathing machine. Dr. Zvi Israel, from the Neurosurgery department at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, operated on Tzvika.

The terrorist was given a work permit for Thursday in order to assist with the extra work done in preparation for Shabbat.  He attacked Tzvika in the mall elevator.

Tzvika's brother Rachamim Cohen, a cab driver, was a patient at Hadassah Hospital in 2000, after suffering multiple stabbings by a terrorist. "Lighting has struck us twice," commented Batia Cohen, their mother.

When Rachamim was attacked back in 2000, Prof. Avi Rivkind received him in the trauma center.  After Tzvika’s surgery, Prof. Rivkind met the family, to give them the difficult report.

Hadassah asks for your prayers at this time for Tvika ben Batyia.

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