Hadassah Surgeon’s Expertise Saves a Shattered Leg

February 9, 2022

Hadassah Surgeon’s Expertise Saves a Shattered Leg

One recent Friday, Zach Weisman and a friend decided to go on a motorcycle ride to visit another friend. They were driving on what Zach describes as a “twisty, turning type of road.”

When Zach saw his friend’s motorcycle swerve into his lane, he realized he was faced with a Hobbesian choice: crash either into his friend’s bike or into the guardrail. He chose the guardrail.

With his leg shattered, Zach was rushed to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem’s Trauma Unit.

Zach was in danger of losing his leg, but Hadassah orthopedic surgeon Dr. Vladimir Goldman was able to save it. With the help of a multidisciplinary team, sophisticated orthopedic equipment and an intensive rehabilitation regimen, Hadassah has enabled Zach to walk again on his own two feet.

Watch the video and hear Zach, his mom and Dr. Goldman tell this miraculous story of trauma and recovery at Hadassah.

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