Soldiers Rushed to Hadassah After January 8th Terrorist Attack

January 9, 2017

Soldiers Rushed to Hadassah After January 8th Terrorist Attack

On Sunday January 8, four soldiers were killed and 17 wounded, when a terrorist rammed his vehicle into them. Eleven patients from the attack were taken to Hadassah's two hospitals: nine at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and two at Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus. One patient was in serious condition and underwent surgery; two were in moderate condition, and the rest were lightly injured—including the son of Director of the Hemapheresis Unit in the Hematology Division Prof. Deborah Rund.

Her son, Eytan Rund, was the guide for a group of soldiers, and despite being hit himself by the vehicle, he pursued the terrorist and shot him. At least 30 staff members, including senior trauma experts, attended to the injured in the Judy and Sidney Swartz Shock Trauma Center and in Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus.

Four of the 11 patients remain hospitalized at Hadassah. The soldier who was in serious condition was operated on, has been stabilized and is in moderate condition. Two other soldiers are lightly wounded, but are still hospitalized. Eytan Rund was among the injured patients who was released from the hospital on the day of the attack.

Funerals were held on Monday, January 9 for the four young soldiers who lost their lives. May their memories be for a blessing.

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