Statement from Hadassah National President on Tel Aviv Terror Attack

June 9, 2016

Statement from Hadassah National President on Tel Aviv Terror Attack

Last night in Tel Aviv, four Israelis were murdered when two Palestinian terrorists opened fire in the Max Brenner restaurant in Sarona Market. Hadassah is outraged, and we urge you to join us in publicly condemning these attacks.

Statement from Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin:

We stand in solidarity with the people of Tel Aviv and Israel as we condemn these heinous attacks which took the lives of innocent civilians.

As our hearts ache for the victims and their families, we are encouraged to see so many in the international community join us in condemning these egregious acts of violence, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who on June 8 called upon the Palestinian leadership "to live up to their responsibility to stand firmly against violence and the incitement that fuels it.

Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, asks the entire international community — including the Palestinian leadership — to join us in condemning the ongoing violence.

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We ask our members and all friends of Israel to join us in urging elected officials to continue to pressure the international community to condemn the ongoing violence. You can take action here, and sign up for future action alerts.

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