Dive into the world of literature with Evolve in South Florida as we read Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge. Join other ladies who love to read as we explore the book, share insights, and connect with one another. Women 30s-50s.
Socialize with Social Action - join us to pack Pesach Food Boxes for the needy with Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago. Maot Chitim provides food and programs to help individuals and families in the Jewish community celebrate holidays and traditions.
Rely Alon, Director of Nursing Division and Health Professions at Hadassah Hospital. She will speak about how Hadassah has been at the forefront of managing the mental health crisis in Israel.
Join us for an all-day event of connection and learning with featured speaker Amy Albertson and our three Evolve Fellows! Come for community, support, and education about Hadassah and the issues that are affecting Israel and the Jewish people.
Please join Hadassah Southern New England for an Annual Giving Toast. Come and celebrate our members and enjoy a wine and dessert reception with our special guest Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz.
Join us in working with Maot Chitim to deliver pre-packaged food boxes so that Jewish individuals and families in the Chicago area can celebrate the Passover holiday. If you have a wagon or dolly, please bring it with you to the event.
Join us for an exciting virtual evening with women in their 20s to age 55 and enjoy a night of fun interactive games, like a Passover-themed trivia game and a scavenger hunt. We'll be keeping score, and winners will receive their prizes in the mail!
Join us for an elegant afternoon tea in celebration of our Keepers of the Gate and Chai Society donors. Relax, sip, and discover the art of tea with Mary Jones, the owner of Intu Tea from the Eastern Market. Wear your finest tea attire!
Join us as Dr. Sara Efrat Efron discusses Deborah and Yael, two extraordinary women from the Bible who courageously stepped into the heat of battle. Their bravery and faith continues to inspire the strength and courage of modern Israeli women today.
Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with motivational speakers, vibrant workshops, and insightful conversations. Explore the possibilities, ignite your passion, and be empowered to break barriers with additional inspiring sessions featurin
This docent-led Women's History tour will highlight three centuries of Jewish women who overcame obstacles, embraced opportunities, and took on new roles in political affairs, social justice, business, religion, and other fields.
Join us in partnership with the Shomrim Society of Illinois for a lox and bagel breakfast and practice your pistol shooting skills on the range! Includes breakfast, a pre-shooting safety briefing and instruction by an experienced instructor.
20s & 30s ladies, join us in partnership with Flatiron Wines & Spirits for an Israeli Wine Tasting event hosted in Midtown NYC. Registration includes the tasting and some light charcuterie/snacks.
April 29, May 6, May 20, June 10, June 17, and June 24, 2025. Learn to play mah jongg with Hadassah members guiding you in play while teaching you the rules of the game. Sign up for either three daytime (April-May) or three evening (June) sessions.
five book discussions with book club facilitator Lauren Marcus Johnson, including “The Lion Women of Tehran” by Marjan Kamali, "Cave of Secrets” by Lynn Golodner, “The Goddess of Warsaw” by Lisa Barr, and “Like Mother, Like Mother” by Susan Rieger.