When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 and war ensued, Hadassah responded immediately. As the war continues and in the wake of unprecedented attacks on Israel from Iran and Hezbollah, the threat to Israel has grown. So, too, have the needs on the ground, including critical expansion of our capacity to treat mass casualties and serve as a wartime hospital. This urgent effort includes the need to provide comprehensive rehabilitative care and continued mental health response through the completion of the Gandel Rehabilitation Center; the outfitting of six underground operating rooms, in the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower, where they are safeguarded from conventional, chemical and biological attacks; equipping a crucial Intensive Care Unit in the Round Building; and providing students and faculty at our Youth Aliyah villages with psychological support. Thanks to our generous members and supporters, our hospitals and youth villages can continue to be ready and act swiftly to protect and heal the people of Israel.

We urgently need your support now. Every dollar makes a difference.



Hadassah's #EndTheSilence Campaign

Hadassah is ending the silence on Hamas' savage weaponization of sexual violence on October 7 and beyond. Through our global campaign and mobilization, Hadassah shares the truth about these war crimes and demands accountability. Learn More.



Hadassah is making news in the local, national and international media.


Hadassah’s Emergency Appeal FAQs

How can I help?
Although the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) staff is ready for crisis situations and the hospitals’ underground facilities are ready for use during missile attacks, the potential dire consequences of a massive attack make additional provisions crucial for HMO — and our Youth Aliyah villages.  As the war with Hamas continues, and attacks in the north by Hezbollah and Iran escalate, the need for high-priority items, including state-of-the-art equipment, devices and supplies for healing and saving lives has never been more urgent. At this unprecedented time, you can help us meet these crucial needs.
I’m a doctor/nurse. Can I volunteer at a Hadassah hospital?
Despite the dire situation, Hadassah hospitals are stable and running efficiently. Doctors, nurses and other staff are working nonstop, shoulder-to-shoulder. Still, as doctors and nurses are being called to IDF reserve duty, there may come a time when additional personnel, including those who provide psychosocial support, are needed. At this time, we are asking certified doctors and nurses who are interested in potential future volunteer opportunities to add their information to this database
Are you accepting equipment donations?
While equipment donations can have a significant impact, there are stringent requirements related to condition, FDA approval, maintenance service, and model and manufacturer information that can be challenging to meet. Therefore, HMO generally prefers donations of funds to allow it to manage the procurement process more efficiently and allocate resources where they are most needed.
What makes Hadassah’s response unique?
Hadassah’s hospital system, one of only six Level-1 Trauma Centers in all of Israel, is treating many of the most severely wounded patients who require complex, specialized care. Both campuses, Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, are equipped with helipads for emergency transports. The Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) is preparing for the long-term requirements of patient care and anticipates that every patient being treated in our hospitals will need rehabilitation. HMO has expedited the launch of two state-of-the-art underground emergency facilities within the nearly completed Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Mount Scopus and the Sara Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower at Hadassah Ein Kerem, both of which are uniquely positioned to operate under extreme conditions. Additionally, Hadassah hospitals launched an emergency psychiatric ER service for adults and children, given the many citizens who are suffering and will continue to suffer from severe anxiety and trauma responses, including offering mental health outreach to kibbutzim in the Jerusalem region.

Have more questions? We have answers.


7 Things You Can Do Right Now

As atrocities unfold, we all want to help. However you choose to help, thank you.
We're grateful that you're part of our Hadassah community.

1. Donate

Every dollar makes a difference.

2. Advocate

Tell policymakers — from Congress to the State House to City Hall — you stand with Israel and condemn Hamas, and want them to, too.

3. Rally.

Be a part of rallies in your community.

4. Speak Out

Use our talking points on Israel at war as you stand up and speak out for Israel.

5. Fight Antisemitism.

Since the war began, antisemitism has skyrocketed. Speak out with Hadassah.

6. Remember self-care.

Breathe. Make time for the people you care about. Sleep. Eat.

7. Stay informed.

Be the first to find out about the people behind the headlines and how we're making an impact. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Threads.