Media Contact:
Alix Friedman
NEW YORK, NY — From Wednesday, October 25, through Thursday, October 26, 2023, Hadassah will present “Inspire Zionism: Tech, Trailblazers and Tattoos.” The free, online event – Hadassah’s first Zionism symposium – will feature 22 speakers from America and Israel. Passionate Zionists in a wide range of fields, they are infusing Zionism with a new energy born of a mix of talents and interests the movement’s founders could never have envisioned. Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studios and a host of the podcast Unorthodox, will MC the two-day conference.

Said Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow, "In the wake of the terrorist attacks against Israel, and with the Jewish homeland now at war and facing its greatest threat in 50 years, it is more important than ever to come together to demonstrate Zionism’s resilience and diversity and to honor the values we hold dear."
Added CEO Naomi Adler, "The symposium is an opportunity for those wrestling with what it means to be a 21st-century Zionist to learn how some of today’s most forward-thinking representatives of the movement think about Israel and manage what can be difficult conversations with friends, family and others."
The speakers (listed below) – a mix of activists, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, journalists, social media influencers and others – will tackle everything from what it’s like to be an LGBTQIA or BIPOC Zionist to how Zionist social-media influencers use their platforms to fight anti-Jewish and anti-Israel vitriol, from what it means to be both a woman in a position of power and a Zionist to why body art has become both a popular way to celebrate Jewish identity and a bone of contention among Jews of different generations and religious denominations.
So that as many people as possible can attend “Inspiring Zionism,” on the first day, October 25, the symposium will take place during the early afternoon (12:00 - 3:30 pm ET) while on the second, October 26, it will take place in the late afternoon and evening (4:00 – 8:00 pm ET). People are encouraged to drop in and out as they wish (registering will generate a Zoom link good for both days).
The Speakers
- Amy Albertson, a self-described Chinese Jewish American and an online activist who empowers young Jews to be unapologetically Jewish;
- Destiny Albritton, who helps broaden Israel’s support beyond the Jewish community as the Israel on Campus Coalition’s national outreach director;
- Moti Ankari, a luxury-lifestyle fashion blogger with 330,000+ followers who uses social media to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism;
- Shy Ashkenazi, an Israeli-born, US-based singer-songwriter and actor who uses music and the visual arts to teach adults and teens about Israeli society, people and history;
- Dr. Dina Ben-Yehuda, the first female dean of the Hebrew University-Hadassah medical school and an acclaimed physician-scientist known for her research on hematological malignancies;
- Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studio, a host of the podcast Unorthodox and co-author, with Liel Leibovitz and Mark Oppenheimer, of The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia: From Abraham to Zabar’s and Everything in Between.
- Craig Dershowitz, the founder of Artists 4 Israel, which prevents the spread of bigotry, and president of Healing Ink, which assists people injured during conflict;
- Rayna Rose Exelbierd, a youth mentor who empowers non-Jews to learn Jewish history and develop relationships with the Jewish community;
- Shiri Fein Grossman, a member of Forum Dvorah: Women in Foreign Policy & National Security, and former head of the Foreign Policy Branch for Regional Affairs in Israel's National Security Council;
- Kasim Hafeez, a former radical Islamist who speaks out for Israel as deputy communications director for messaging at Christians United for Israel;
- Viktoria Kanar, the co-founder of Re-Fresh Global, which rescues, recycles and repurposes discarded clothes and other textiles all over the world;
- Toby Klein, an LGBTQ+ progressive Zionist who mobilizes support for the Israeli LGBTQ community as programs manager at A Wider Bridge;
- Stephanie Gordon Malka, an American-Israeli businesswoman committed to speaking out against anti-Israel sentiment;
- Rachel Marder, the associate rabbi at Congregation Beth El in South Orange, NJ, and a former Israel-based journalist for The Jerusalem Post;
- Hen Mazzig, a self-identified gay Mizrahi Jew and an award-winning Israeli author and digital influencer who uses social media to fight false narratives about Jews;
- Mosheh Oinounou, an Emmy, Murrow and Webby Award-winning journalist who launched Mo News in 2020 (“We read between the lines so you don’t have to”);
- Tabby Refael, an award-winning journalist raised in the US after her family escaped Iran following the Islamic Revolution known for writing about Iran, Israel, Jewish identity, women’s rights and Mizrachi advocacy;
- Michelle Rojas Tal, a trailblazer widely recognized for her ability to help young Jews navigate complex conversations about Zionism;
- Emily Schrader, an Israeli human rights activist and a senior correspondent for Ynetnews known for providing straight answers to tough questions about Israel;
- Leah Soibel, the founder of Fuente Latina, which ensures accurate Spanish-language reporting on Israel, the Jewish world and the Mideast, and Activista Media, which teaches young non-Jewish, Latino-American journalists about Jews, antisemitism and Israel;
- Sam Von Ende, a constitutional scholar who advises organizations on how to shape and advance inter-community relations; and
- Melissa Weiss, the executive editor of Jewish Insider
A detailed symposium guide can be found below.
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Wednesday, October 25 – Thursday, October 26, 2023
Wednesday, October 25
12:00 – 12:05 pm - Welcome
Symposium host Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studios and a host of the podcast Unorthodox, opens the symposium and introduces Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow and Hadassah CEO Naomi Adler.
12:10 - 12:50 pm – Zionist Trailblazers Breaking Barriers
What does it mean to be a woman in a position of power and a Zionist? A group of female Zionist trailblazers talk about the work they’re doing to support Israel’s right to exist and the obstacles they have to overcome along the way.
- Moderator Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studio, a host of the podcast Unorthodox and co-author, with Liel Leibovitz and Mark Oppenheimer, of The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia: From Abraham to Zabar’s and Everything in Between.
- Shiri Fein Grossman, a member of Forum Dvorah: Women in Foreign Policy & National Security, and the former head of the Foreign Policy Branch for Regional Affairs in Israel's National Security Council
- Dr. Dina Ben-Yehuda, the first female dean of the Hebrew University-Hadassah medical school and an acclaimed physician-scientist known for her research on hematological malignancies
- Viktoria Kanar, co-founder of Re-Fresh Global, which rescues, recycles and repurposes discarded clothes and other textiles all over the world
1:00 - 1:50 pm –Israel in the Media: What No One Will Tell You
The media can be a powerful tool for building awareness – and spreading misinformation. How have both legacy and social media influenced public perception of Israel and how can they be used to forge positive social change?
- Moderator Melissa Weiss, executive editor of Jewish Insider and one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Emily Schrader, Israeli human rights activist, senior correspondent for Ynetnews and one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Mosheh Oinounou, an Emmy, Murrow and Webby Award-winning journalist who, in 2020, launched Mo News, which breaks down headlines and offers verified, balanced reporting (“We read between the lines so you don’t have to”)
2:05 - 2:35 pm – Trendsetting Zionism
Social-media influencers have more influence than ever before. But how do influencers who are also Zionists stay true to themselves while building their brands?
- Interviewer Michelle Rojas Tal, a trailblazer widely recognized for her ability to help young Jews navigate complex conversations about Zionism; named one of "The Jewish 100" by the Tel Aviv Institute (2021-2022) and one of the “50 Most Influential Jews” and the six “Women to Watch” by The Jerusalem Post (2013)
- A New Yorker of Israeli descent, Moti Ankari, is a luxury-lifestyle fashion blogger with 330,000+ followers who uses social media platforms to share his pride in his Zionism and Judaism and to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism
2:40 - 3:30 pm – LGBTQIA+ and the Z Word
Despite making great strides, the LGBTQIA+ community is still fighting for basic human rights and LGBTQIA+ Zionists must navigate multiple prejudices. But there's room for hope.
- Moderator Rachel Marder is the associate rabbi at Congregation Beth El (South Orange, NJ), a former Israel-based journalist for The Jerusalem Post and one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Toby Klein, an LGBTQ+ progressive Zionist who mobilizes support for the Israeli LGBTQ community as programs manager at A Wider Bridge
- Hen Mazzig, a self-identified gay Mizrahi Jew named one of the top-50 LGBTQ+ influencers in 2020, and an award-winning Israeli author and digital influencer who uses social media to fight false narratives about Jews
- Sam Von Ende, a constitutional scholar who advises organizations on how to shape and advance inter-community relations
Thursday, October 26
4:00 - 4:05 pm – Welcome
Symposium host Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studios and a host of the podcast Unorthodox, opens the second day of the symposium
4:10 - 5:00 pm – Portraits of Zionist Women of Color
Three women of different backgrounds discuss the challenges and joys of being BIPOC people of color and Zionists.
- Moderator Tabby Refael, an award-winning journalist for TheJewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles raised in the US after her family escaped Iran following the Islamic Revolution; known for writing about Israel, Jewish identity and women’s rights; co-founder of 30 Years After, America’s only grassroots advocacy organization for Iranian American Jews; one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Amy Albertson, a Jewish advocate and educator who uses online activism, public speaking and workshops to empower young Jews to be unapologetically Jewish; the creator of "The Asian Israeli," which cataloged her experiences as a Chinese American Jewish woman; and one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Leah Soibel, founder of Fuente Latina, which ensures accurate Spanish-language reporting on Israel, the Jewish world and the Mideast, and Activista Media, which teaches young non-Jewish, Latino-American journalists and others about Jews, antisemitism and Israel; one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
5:10 - 5:50 pm – The Tattoo Taboo
As more Jews use body art to signal their pride in their heritage, tattoos have become a point of friction among Jews of different generations and denominations. The panelists discuss what’s behind the different responses, how other religions view body art and whether Zionism plays a role in tattooing.
- Moderator Stephanie Butnick, co-founder of Tablet Studio, a host of the podcast Unorthodox and co-author, with Liel Leibovitz and Mark Oppenheimer, of The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia: From Abraham to Zabar’s and Everything in Between.
- Craig Dershowitz, CEO of Artists 4 Israel, which prevents the spread of bigotry and helps heal communities affected by hate, and president of Healing Ink, which helps people injured in conflict; has worked with over 2,000 artists, representing more than 32 countries, who use art as a tool for social change
- Kasim Hafeez, a former radical Islamist who came to feel morally obligated to speak out for Israel and against radical Islam, which he does as deputy communications director for messaging at Christians United for Israel
6:00 - 6:50 pm – Sounds of Zionism: A Musical Workshop
What does Israeli hip-hop sound like? How many Israeli musicians have succeeded in crossing over into the US market? How did an Israeli song featuring chickens win Eurovision? Israeli-born singer-songwriter Shy Ashkenazi will tackle those questions and others as he discusses the history and impact of Zionist and Israeli music, from traditional folk tunes to hip-hop.
7:00 - 7:50 pm – What Zionism Means to Me
Four Zionist women from very different backgrounds talk about their individual paths to Zionism, how their definitions of Zionism have changed over the years and why conversations about Zionism within the American-Jewish community are often so charged.
- Moderator Michelle Rojas Tal, a trailblazer widely recognized for her ability to help young Jews navigate complex conversations about Zionism; named one of "The Jewish 100" by the Tel Aviv Institute (2021-2022) and one of the “50 Most Influential Jews” and the six “Women to Watch” by The Jerusalem Post (2013)
- Rayna Rose Exelbierd, an entrepreneur, motivational speaker and youth mentor who empowers non-Jews to learn Jewish history and develop relationships with the Jewish community; one of Hadassah’s 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know
- Destiny Albritton, who helps broaden Israel’s support beyond the Jewish community as the Israel on Campus Coalition’s national outreach director and the host of Beyond Campus, a podcast about Israel and Zionism
- Stephanie Gordon Malka, an American-Israeli businesswoman active in the Las Vegas Jewish community and a Hadassah donor and life member committed to speaking out against anti-Israel sentiment