We’re pleased to welcome you to Hadassah Great Plains, home to nearly 10,000 women, in 25 chapters, from Ohio to Kansas and Kentucky to Wisconsin. We are committed to furthering the lifesaving work of Hadassah in the US, Israel and around the world. Through education, advocacy, leadership and fundraising, we help keep Hadassah’s lifesaving work a reality around the globe. Locally, programs are fun, interesting and timely, and we’re always open to new ideas. Perhaps you’d like to virtually enjoy an interactive art program? Or maybe a book discussion with an author is more your style? Regardless of your interest, you're certain to enjoy your time with us at Hadassah Great Plains. We would love to welcome you. Join us today.
Hadassah Great Plains welcomes you to our website for current information about region and chapter activities. It is our goal to highlight our efforts that empower our members to work toward Hadassah policy priorities: strengthening the US-Israel relationship, combating antisemitism and promoting women’s health. Our region represents 12 states, 40 chapters and over 12,600 members who give their talents to creatively bring our members together for these common goals.
Join us for a virtual event with Harriet Grayson, author of "Accidental Gangster: Dutch Schultz and Me" as she shares true experiences about her bootlegger grandfather, Goldy, a fisherman recruited by gangster Dutch Schultz
Hadassah Midwest Snowbird Reunion is here again! Join old friends, make new friends, and celebrate Hadassah while being inspired by Dr. Karen Ezrine, Co-Chair of Bringing Israel to the U.S. and Hadassah International Philanthropy Liaison.
Join us for an informative evening as we hear from Alan Lipschultz, National President of Hadassah Associates. He will showcase the national impact of being an associate, share the latest updates on Hadassah’s initiatives.
Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with motivational speakers, vibrant workshops, and insightful conversations. Explore the possibilities, ignite your passion, and be empowered to break barriers with additional inspiring sessions featurin
Elaine Silver
Organization/Executive VP
Evelyn Levine
Barb Stras
Lorraine Robinson
Fundraising VP/Coor
Randy Heidenfelder
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Marian Kaplan
Education and Advocacy VP
Corliss Karasov
Area VP/Advisor
Judith Eglash
Area VP/Advisor
Brenda Freedman
Area VP/Advisor
Lynn Furness
Area VP/Advisor
Randy Heidenfelder
Area VP/Advisor
Carol Herzog
Area VP/Advisor
Natalie Silverman
Area VP/Advisor
Nancy Zimmerman
Advocacy Chair
Cheryl Whatley
Annual Giving/Chai Society Chair
Deborah Sternfeld
Annual Giving/Keepers of the Gate Chair
Laurie B. Serber
Associates Chair
Earl Sternfeld
Board Member at Large
Helene Fox
Board Member at Large
Deborah Goodbinder
Board Member at Large
Evelyn Lowenthal
Board Member at Large
Rita Shapiro
Capital Campaign Chair
Joyce Fulps
Fundraising Board Member at Large
Linda Spitzer Gavatin
HMO Chair
Tobe Snow
Jewish National Fund Chair
Carol Thor
Major Gifts/Founders Chair
Jean Friedman
Planned Giving & Estates Chair
Evelyn Lowenthal
Professional Councils Chair
Elizabeth Levine
Social Media Chair
Carol Ann Schwartz
Young Judaea Chair
Laurie B. Serber
Youth Aliyah Chair
Sharon Star