Welcome to Hadassah Northern New Jersey, an exciting region with 22 chapters, over 11,000 members and numerous opportunities to learn, lead and do! We work actively to support Hadassah’s mission to strengthen Israel and bring healing and justice to the world. We are a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to the land and people of Israel. We enhance the health of people worldwide through our support of medical care and research at Hadassah’s hospitals in Jerusalem. We invite you to join us and become empowered through our many opportunities for personal growth, education, advocacy and Jewish continuity.
Shalom! I hope you will join us for chapter and region activities where you can engage in meaningful projects, learn about the incredible advances in medical research and hands-on patient care happening at Hadassah’s hospitals in Jerusalem, and be involved in the many things we do at Hadassah.
Let's discuss common symptoms of women's health issues like perimenopause and menopause and what we can do to help manage those symptoms with pharmacist, Jari Becker from Town & Country Compounding.
20s & 30s ladies, join us in partnership with Flatiron Wines & Spirits for an Israeli Wine Tasting event hosted in Midtown NYC. Registration includes the tasting and some light charcuterie/snacks.
Geri Lipschitz
Organization/Executive VP
Leslie Felner
Claire Asarnow
Gloria Saltz
Leah Kabrt
Fundraising VP/Coor
Gail Black
Fundraising VP/Coor
Geralyn Lichtenstein
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Edna Axelrod
Programming VP/Chair
Sheila Jacobs
Programming VP/Chair
Arlene Weiss
Area VP/Advisor
Claire Asarnow
Area VP/Advisor
Claire Asarnow
Area VP/Advisor
Gail Black
Area VP/Advisor
Irene Goldie-Petras
Area VP/Advisor
Leah Kabrt
Area VP/Advisor
Jill Tekel
Area VP/Advisor
Alice Weinstein
Past President
Gail Black
Zionist Affairs Chair
Wendy Salkin
Advocacy Chair
Mindy Gensler
Board Member at Large
Luisa Narins
Bulletin Editor Chair
Edna Axelrod
Bulletin Editor Chair
Rachelle Knopf
Hadassah Israel Travel Chair
Evelyn Eisenstein
Health and Wellness Chair
Linda Lowenthal
Health and Wellness Chair
Helaine Wohl
Planned Giving & Estates Chair
Lila Barsky
Planned Giving & Estates Chair
Wendy Kaplowitz
Public Affairs/Marketing/Comm. Chair
Wendy Salkin
Social Media Chair
Anna Schiffer
Young Women's Chair
Sheri Taback
Youth Aliyah Chair
Irene Goldie-Petras