Welcome to Hadassah Southern California! I am proud to represent an organization that gives women the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Because of Hadassah, lives are saved every day. We inspire passion and empower women to use their voices to be policy changemakers on our priorities that include health issues important to women and children, building a strong US-Israel relationship and fighting antisemitism.
Join our networking group for Jewish business owners in the San Diego area for a lunch meeting. “Kehilat Kesharim” means community of connections. Network, learn, grow and have a "safe space" to discuss being a Jew in the current landscape.
Learn the four types of givers, the four ways to give, and hear the inspiring stories of our speaker climbing to 19,341 feet completing over 200 hikes on 46 mountains on 3 continents and 2 islands as an adult congenital heart patient.
We are getting together and playing for a purpose! Join us at B'yachad's Annual Game Day. All proceeds will benefit the great work of Hadassah. If you play Mah Jongg, canasta, rummikub or want to play another game, play with us on Friday, March 14th.
Attendees will play a dice game, Bunco, that is not a gambling game. Winners will receive prizes donated by local merchants. Attendees will bring refreshments to share. Proceeds will be donated to Hadassah's Gandel Rehabilitation Center.
Make your own gorgeous Resin Seder Plate. Join Adira Hadassah for a fun Pre-Passover event to add a personal touch to your Passover table. Bring your creativity! A light snack and beverages will be served.
Join us for Brunch and Books with author and guest speaker, Sharon Riche. Sharon is a life member of Hadassah and inspirational author of 3 remarkable published books. Her uplifting stories will inspire you to live life fully with meaning and purpose
Transport yourself back in time, millions of years ago, where deep within the Himalayan mountains lies the purest pink salt Mother Nature has to offer. Inside the cave, you will be surrounded by six tons of pure pink Himalayan salt.
Spend an afternoon playing Mahjong with your Ruach Sisters! Join us on Thursday April 3rd for some fun and snacks! All registered guests must already know how to play, all levels welcome!
Join us for our first Craft Group event as we make an etched glass matzah plate just in time for Passover! You will have the opportunity to select a design after registering.
Play rummy, canasta or mah jongg! There's lunch and boutiques! All this while making a meaningful impact supporting vital psychological rehabilitation services for those in need in Israel. Event is generously sponsored by Uri and Sima Pakravan.
Join us for a private tour of the Holocaust Museum LA. The walking tour will be approximately an hour and a half, followed by a discussion and brunch, sponsored by Pamela and Mitch Kreitenberg.
Please join us as we welcome Lori Hart, a health and beauty pioneer for over 40 years! Come hear about ways to improve your health and experience demonstrations and harmless devices to help us stay young and beautiful! Gifts will be given out to all
Michelle Conwisar
Lori Good
VP Finance
Michele Shugarman
VP Membership
Terry Whitten
VP Leadership
Audrey Levine
Resource Chair
Rochelle Edelman
Immediate Past President
Debbie Kessler
Past President's Advisory Council
Sue Urfrig
Advocacy Chair
Stacey Dorenfeld
Associate Advocacy Chair
Cindy Hailpern
Annual Giving/Keepers of the Gate Chair
Lisa Hoffman
Board Member at Large
Ilene Bernstein
Metro Area Co-President
Maureen Bernstein
Special Projects Chair
Gabrielle Clayman
Board Member at Large
Sandy Einberg
Northern Area Co-President
Elise Feldscher
Board Member at Large
Kay Gordon
Hawaii Area Co-President
Sharon Gordon
Metro Area Co-President
Margie Lunt
Long Beach/Orange County Area Co-President
Dorie Rogers
San Diego Area Co-President
Joan Rosenberg
Board Member at Large
Sima Schuster
Hawaii Area Co-President
Andrea Snyder
Sabra Hadassah of the Desert President
Roni Spetalnick
Northern Area Co-President
Cheryl Stark
Health and Wellness Chair
Niki Stokols
Jewish Education Chair
Jean Blumin
Long Beach/Orange County Area Co-President
Nanci Patchen
VP Major Gifts
Sandra Sadikoff
Major Gifts Chair
Bernice Watkin
Planned Giving & Estates Chair
Evelyn Perl
Young Women's Chair
Rani Gealer