The Southern half of the Garden State has blossomed with Jersey Strong women who are dedicated to Hadassah's lifesaving mission.
We are powerful members, volunteers and male Associates who work tirelessly to educate, advocate, instill Jewish values and advance health, while enhancing our own lives with lifelong bonds of friendship and personal growth.
Hadassah Southern New Jersey is as diverse as New Jersey's topography, extending from Somerset to Margate, with 30 chapters and 13,000 members. Our chapters have members spanning multiple generations and include some in active adult communities. Our philanthropy efforts are extensive and creative. We provide leadership and portfolio training at all levels. From advocating and educating to supporting our hospitals and Youth Aliyah, our chapters excel at helping to heal our world. Together.
I’m delighted to welcome you to Hadassah Southern New Jersey Region. From Monmouth County to Cape May County, our region services 22 chapters and more than 11,000 members, supporters and Associates. We cover a diversity of demographics and are a strong, dedicated and determined region.
Join Hadassah’s Evolve community for a warm and welcoming evening of creativity and connection! You’ll have the opportunity to meet and bond with other women in their 30s-50s while crafting your own custom candle. Come ready to pour, mix, and create.
During WWII, Britain agreed to admit Jewish children from across Europe from 1938-40 as the Nazi threat grew. Holocaust educator Deborah Rosenberg will take us through the history of how 10,000 children were saved.
Carol Charen
Organization/Executive VP
Marsha Schiffman
Organization/Executive VP
Deborah Schildkraut
Helaine Tockerman
Breena Steinberg
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Phyllis Greenberg
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Helen Spector
Leadership Chair/VP
Rhoda Cutler
Leadership Chair/VP
Susan Pomerantz
Education and Advocacy VP
Laura Brandspiegel
Education and Advocacy VP
Debbie Glick
Area VP/Advisor
Sheila Davidoff
Area VP/Advisor
Leona Davidson
Area VP/Advisor
Cheryl Finkelstein
Area VP/Advisor
Nancy Greenfield
Area VP/Advisor
Marcia Horn
Area VP/Advisor
Carol Roth
Capital Campaign Chair
Ellen Lacy
Records Administrator
Nancy Greenfield