Welcome to Hadassah Suffolk, located on Long Island, NY, and home to seven chapters and over 3,000 members. Our members come from a diverse range of experiences, ages and backgrounds, yet we are an active, engaged community who work together to further Hadassah’s lifesaving work in the US, Israel and around the world. Among our many activities, we host several major book and author events as well as prominent speakers who support Hadassah’s advocacy and medical endeavors. We’re very proud of our fundraising efforts and recently gifted a fully-furnished double patient room to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem. We would love to include you in our “family.” Please join us today!
Welcome to Hadassah Suffolk, located on Long Island, New York and home to seven chapters and over 3,000 members. Although small in geographic size, we are a strong, energetic and empowered region! We offer many opportunities to learn, lead, and make a difference in our community, the US, Israel and in the world.
20s & 30s ladies, join us in partnership with Flatiron Wines & Spirits for an Israeli Wine Tasting event hosted in Midtown NYC. Registration includes the tasting and some light charcuterie/snacks.
JoAnne Shapiro
Organization/Executive VP
Vickie Moskowitz
Eileen Hummel
Eileen Hummel
Linda Landow
Myra Friedman
Fundraising VP/Coor
Stacy Berman
Membership/Outreach VP/Coor
Ann Heller
Education and Advocacy VP
Aviva Goldberg
Area VP/Advisor
Phyllis Abramson
Planned Giving and Estates Chair
Susan Assa
Area VP/Advisor
Sandra Emmerich
Area VP/Advisor
Linda Landow
Area VP/Advisor
Lee Pinchuk
Area VP/Advisor
Ellen Zuckerman
Past President
Stacy Berman
Zionist Affairs Chair
Nechama Gonenn
Annual Giving/Chai Society Chair
Phyllis Abramson
Annual Giving/Keepers of the Gate Chair
Phyllis Abramson
Bulletin Editor Chair
Ronee Baldwin
Bulletin Editor Chair
Ann Heller
Board Member at Large
Phyllis Gangel
HMO Chair
Phyllis Abramson
Professional Councils Chair
Heidi Sorkin
Public Affairs/Marketing/Comm. Chair
Claire Laufman
Young Judaea Chair
Lee Pinchuk