A Hadassah Cardiologist, a New Baby, and a Parking Lot

February 19, 2020

A Hadassah Cardiologist, a New Baby, and a Parking Lot

It was dark and raining hard when cardiologist Prof. Ronen Beeri parked his car and hurried toward Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem to perform an emergency heart catheterization. As it turned out, another emergency greeted him in the parking lot.

Prof. Beeri was hailed by a man who said he needed help. Apologizing to the man, Dr. Beeri explained that a heart patient was waiting for him. The man replied, “But my wife just gave birth in the parking lot.”

In the midst of a long labor, the couple, against the advice of the Hadassah team, decided to leave the delivery room and go home. When they felt it was appropriate, they headed back to the hospital, but the baby arrived while the husband was parking the car.

When Prof. Beeri got to the car, he saw the mom holding her baby, who was still attached to the umbilical cord.

“I took her husband’s jacket and wrapped up the baby,” Prof. Beeri said. “Then I summoned midwives and obstetricians, who came to the rescue.”

“He’s all heart,” said the new dad in praise of Prof. Beeri. “He arrived like an angel.”

The dad added, “We thought the delivery staff might be annoyed, but just the opposite was true. They surrounded us with professionalism and compassion. It was truly an unforgettable birth.”

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