A Powerful Purim Message on Gun Violence

February 28, 2018

A Powerful Purim Message on Gun Violence

Message from the President

Each year, we look to the story of Purim for inspiration. We take our name from Queen Esther, whose Hebrew name was Hadassah, and the deeply held belief that women have the power to create change and a moral obligation to save lives.

With the Parkland shooting, 3 of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern United States history have, according to the NY Times, occurred in the last five months. Hadassah endorses the growing bipartisan movement to bring this nation closer to a future without gun violence.

Hadassah echoes the outcry that has sprung up — an expression of our collective need to bring this nation closer to a future without gun violence. We are proud of the youth of America rallying for their rights to grow and learn in peace and who are an inspiration to us all.

We look forward to Hadassah members, Associates, and donors working together with their families in an intergenerational commitment to a safer world.

Take a moment to write to your Congressional legislators, demanding that they act now. Tell them you support the STOP School Violence Act of 2018 and you want them to reauthorize funds to the CDC for research and support on firearms. Tell them you oppose the Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act and the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.

Our staff can help you plan a Day in the District in your community, and on May 17, you can join hundreds of other Hadassah members in Washington, DC, for a Day on the Hill with your legislators.

We need to recreate a call to action in Esther's story and talk to our neighbors, colleagues, and congregations. Not just Jews, but the American people need your voice to help save lives.

Join us.

Chag Purim Sameach,

Ellen Hershkin
Hadassah National President

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