Advocacy Update: February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018

Advocacy Update: February 13, 2018

Stand Up for Israel’s Right to Defend Itself  

Right now, Israel is defending itself from Iranian aggression in Syria. Now is the time to act with Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, and ask your legislators to stand for a strong US-Israel relationship, demand an end to Iran’s growing regional presence via proxy forces such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and call on the United Nations to create a de-escalation plan. If you haven’t made plans yet to meet with your legislator this February, start planning your 2018 Day in the District. We're here to help.

Thank Your Senator for Standing Up for Reproductive rights!

On January 29, 2018, the Senate narrowly rejected passage of legislation that would have imposed a national ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy (S. 2311). That legislation provided exceptions only in cases of rape or incest if the women could prove they reported those crimes. Thank your Senators and Representatives for protecting women’s reproductive rights!


If you'll be attending the AIPAC Policy Conference, please join us for two special events:

Hadassah Forum: Israel and the 21st Century, March 5, 12:45pm-2:00pm, Location TBD
Hadassah Dinner, March 4, 8:00pm, Zatinya (Limited space. RSVP required)

Please email to RSVP or for more information.

Don't forget to sign up for Hadassah's Women's Health and Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C, May 15-17. Register today!

Highlights include:

- Women's Health Empowerment Summit Learn, network, and identify strategic next steps for improving and protecting women's health.
- Day on the Hill: Feel the power of Women Who Advocate when you bring Hadasash priority issues to your Congress members. In case you missed it, Hadassah Decries Polish Holocaust Bill

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