Advocacy Update - February 14, 2017

February 14, 2017

Advocacy Update - February 14, 2017

This American Heart Month, and today especially, we celebrate our hearts and raise awareness about keeping them healthy. Hadassah's health and wellness educational resources — like Every Bite Counts: Hadassah's Nutrition Program — arm you with the knowledge to advocate for yourselves and the health of your families. Now, take action to ensure quality, affordable, and equitable care for all women, and men, for generations to come.

Speak Out to Protect Women's Health Coverage

Preventive health, medical research, and access to care are essential for women's health. Free, annual well-woman visits — including services like blood pressure checks, diabetes screenings, and nutrition counseling — lead to early detection and save lives. Last week, former Rep. Tom Price was confirmed as Secretary of Health & Human Services. Call on your elected officials to ensure that any new health reform measures maintain key women's health provisions and coverage availability, and to prevent lapses in care while a new plan is implemented.

Promote Gender Equity in Medical Research

Heart disease, like many conditions, is often misdiagnosed or overlooked entirely in women, because medical research, diagnostic tools, and treatments are based on men, or male animals. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women, yet we make up only a third of cardiology research subjects. Hadassah proudly advocates for policies to ensure that medical research — from the most basic, cellular-level studies to late-stage clinical trials — accounts for differences between the sexes and produces results that are safe and effective for men and women. Last term, Hadassah's grassroots advocates helped secure six congressional cosponsors for the bipartisan Research for All Act. Demand gender equity in medical research!

Five wounded in Petah Tikva terror attack

On February 9, at least five people were wounded when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire and stabbed shoppers at the crowded Petah Tikva market, just east of Tel Aviv. Urge your elected officials to stand with Israel amid the ongoing wave of violence. The world must put diplomatic pressure on the Palestinian leadership to condemn terror as soon as it happens and end rhetoric of incitement.

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Hadassah Advocacy Updates provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. If you are interested in breaking news and urgent action alerts, please also sign-up for our Email Action Network. Hadassah has a proud legacy of advocacy

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