Advocacy Update - February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017

Advocacy Update - February 28, 2017

Hadassah Fellows Take on Washington!

Today, our Hadassah Leadership Fellows concluded their action-packed advocacy experience in Washington, DC. The Fellows met with over a dozen congressional offices to educate policymakers about women's health equity and urge unwavering support for the US-Israel relationship.

Educate. Advocate. Legislate.

Save the Date: May 17, 2017, Washington, DC. The Coalition for Women's Health Equity invites you to the inaugural Women's Health Empowerment Summit—a half-day event scheduled during National Women's Health Week. Join policymakers, thought leaders, and fellow women's health champions as we identify strategic opportunities in the current legislative landscape and align our mobilization and advocacy efforts to advance women's health equity. Stay tuned for registration instructions!

Swearing In at the Supreme Court

On February 21, Hadassah's National Attorneys Council brought 14 attorneys to be sworn into the US Supreme Court Bar. It was an awe-inspiring day for all, including a private meeting with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The group also met with Marshal Pamela Talkin, Court Clerk Scott Harris and Linda Maslow, Supreme Court Librarian. The program, co-chaired by Deborah B. Kahn and Tema Sternberg, is now in its 18th year.

Affordable Care Act: Take Action Today

Congress and the Administration are moving forward with plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which has troubling implications for the future of women's health — and the health of all Americans. Join Hadassah in advocating for health care access and affordability. Work with your elected officials to maintain key women's health provisions and availability. If you haven't already, sign our letter.

Let Your Federal Legislators Hear Your Voice this May

Meeting with members of Congress is even more powerful than calls. The week of May 8 - 14, members of the Houses of Representatives will be in their local district offices. Through Day in the District meetings, you can sit down face-to-face with decision makers and policy leaders when they are home from Washington. Advocate for unwavering US support for Israel's security and advance women's health equity — in research, preventive services, and access to care. Let's keep that momentum going! Speak with your local leaders about planning a Day in the District or register here.

In Case You Missed It: Hadassah Op-Ed about Women's Health

Help us get the word out about "The Jewish Agenda for Women's Health," Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin's op-ed in the Atlanta Jewish Times.

An excerpt: "Women are the heartbeat and lifeblood of America. As mothers, wives, and daughters, we are caregivers and decision makers....Health — including women's health — is not a partisan issue. Jewish law commands us to save lives, pikuach nefesh, even if that means breaking other commandments. When it comes to prevention — and access — we're watching the Affordable Care Act closely. Whatever your view about other proposed changes to the law, the Jewish community must stand firmly united behind the key provisions that help millions of American women, including mandatory maternity coverage."

Once in a Lifetime Mission: May 21-26, 2017

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem (Yom Yerushalayim) and the return of Hadassah Hospital at Mount Scopus to Hadassah's Medical Organization. Join Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin atop Ammunition Hill, along with Israel President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat at the commemoration ceremony. Limited capacity & sure to sell out quickly, so register today!

For those of you not attending the mission, help celebrate this year's extra special Yom Yerushalayim on May 24. Need creative ideas of how to incorporate this special anniversary in your area? Contact us at

Focus on Generational Shifts: Defining Zionism

Is Israel as important as it was a generation — or two — ago? Yehuda Kurtzer, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, joins Hadassah's Defining Zionism in the 21st Century in an exploration of generational shifts around Israel, taking a close look at the values we must recognize and wrestle with to bridge divides and advance meaningful conversations.

Our next featured presenter will be AJC Chief Executive Officer David Harris. Additionally, we have two upcoming live Defining Zionism programs: Los Angeles (March 15) and New York City (March 28). Stay tuned for registration information!

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