Advocacy Update | Hadassah on the Hill

May 9, 2018

Advocacy Update | Hadassah on the Hill

Women’s health is a much-discussed topic in Washington, DC, as inexcusable maternal mortality rates and gaping disparities in preventable health issues — such as heart disease -- stubbornly remain the status quo.

That's why on Wednesday May 16 at 10 am, you should watch the second annual Women’s Health Empowerment Summit live on Hadassah’s Facebook page. Presented by the Coalition for Women's Health Equity (which Hadassah founded) during National Women’s Health Week, you won't want to miss these timely discussions with trailblazers on caregiving, mental health and gender, and the importance of including women in clinical trials.

To follow up on a powerful Summit, members will spend Thursday on Capitol Hill meeting with federal legislators to discuss women’s health equity, including pending legislation.

Hadassah members will also call on Congress to:

  • Eliminate the Dickey Amendment, which prevents any CDC funding to be used toward the study of firearms or gun control, and allocate funds to this essential research (H.R. 1832)
  • Advocate supporting Holocaust education through the Never Again Education Act (H.R. 1474) and supporting the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act of 2017 (H.R. 1911 | S. 1292).

If learning about the incredible people working to advance women’s health equity moves you to action, make an appointment in your home district with your federal legislator for a Day in the District. Hadassah National is here to help every step of the way, email

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Hadassah Advocacy Updates provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. Hadassah has a proud legacy of advocacy and, as a charitable organization classified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is strictly non-partisan and is prohibited from any direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, political parties and candidates for public office.

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