Advocacy Update | Honor the memory of Kristallnacht today

November 14, 2018

Advocacy Update | Honor the memory of Kristallnacht today

Last week marked the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Known as the Night of Broken Glass, this pogrom left 91 Jews dead, thousands of Jewish homes and businesses destroyed, and close to 30,000 rounded up and sent to concentration camps. With rising anti-Semitism worldwide, we must work harder than ever to remember the lessons of the Holocaust. In memory of Kristallnacht, pledge #NeverAgain and commit to meeting with your federal officials.

We must make sure children are taught about Holocaust and its lessons about hate. Congress must pass the Never Again Education Act before the end of this congressional session in December.


Voting Was Only Step 1! 

We were thrilled by last week's historic midterm voter turnout and record-breaking numbers of women elected across the political spectrum.  We've started planning our efforts to strengthen the US-Israel relationship, combat anti-Semitism, and promote women's health equity with the 116th Congress. Join Us.

Interested in visiting your elected officials or having one come speak in your community?  Contact Hadassah Advocacy for help connecting with your Members of Congress. 

Hadassah Opens DC Government Relations Office 

One new way we can support your grassroots advocacy efforts is with our Government Relations Office! We are proud to welcome back Karen Paikin Barall — previously a supervisor of Hadassah’s Young Judaea / Israel Summer Youth Programs early in her career — as our new Director of Government Relations.

“Advocacy has always been central to Hadassah’s core mission,” said Ellen Hershkin, National President of Hadassah. “Our strength comes from the passion of our members, who are motivated by their love for Israel and know first-hand how investments in medical research and care save countless lives. By educating policymakers on both sides of the aisle about the work of the Hadassah Medical Organization and Hadassah’s policy priorities, the DC office will magnify our voice in Congress, as well as with federal agencies and partner organizations.”


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