Advocacy Update - January 24, 2017

January 24, 2017

Advocacy Update - January 24, 2017

Hadassah's Advocacy Updates provide timely information about our Zionist and domestic policy work and how you can get involved.

New Hadassah Policy Statements

Today, at Hadassah's National Assembly Meeting in Orlando, our National Board passed two new policy statements on Racial Justice and on Refugees & Immigration. We celebrate American diversity, multiculturalism, and religious pluralism—reaffirming our commitment to fight discrimination and injustice. Our Racial Justice statement builds on Hadassah's prior policy statements on civil rights, hate crimes, and racial discrimination, urging the US government to address voting rights, criminal justice reform, and other systemic barriers to equality. The Refugees & Immigration statement addresses the humanitarian crisis in Syria and US immigration reform. Read the statements and learn more about Hadassah's advocacy, past and present.

Your Voice Matters!

Since the start of 2017, we've already sent over 4,000 letters to elected officials via the Hadassah National Action Center. Many of those letters urged Congress to speak out about the outrageous UN Security Council Resolution 2334 on Israel, and the House responded with a resolution calling on the US to veto any one-sided, anti-Israel measures at the United Nations. The Senate is considering a similar resolution — urge your legislators to take action!

Breaking News: Foreign Aid to the Palestinian Authority

Yesterday, press reports revealed that the Obama Administration released $221 million in foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) on its final day in office. Two congressional leaders had placed a non-binding hold on the funds in response to the PA's repeated unilateral actions for international recognition — as opposed to direct, bilateral negotiations with Israel. Stay tuned to these Advocacy Updates and Hadassah's Facebook page for more information and opportunities for action as they become available.

Hot Off the Presses — Pro-Israel Media Advocacy

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!'" writes Stephanie Z. Bonder, immediate past President of Hadassah Northern New Jersey Region in the Times of Israel. "We must let our voices be heard. Advocate, write, call, text." This is Stephanie's second recent Times of Israel article, urging action in the aftermath of terror attacks in Israel. Read and share these articles with your social networks, and learn more about pro-Israel media advocacy from Hadassah's How to Talk About Israel Guide.

Reproductive Rights

Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order reinstating the global gag rule to restrict US reproductive health funding internationally. We are proud to join with Planned Parenthood, a member of our Coalition for Women's Health Equity, and 130 other organizations in opposing these restrictions. Congress is also expected to vote on domestic reproductive health access this week, so stay tuned to the National Action Center for updates.

Speak out for Women’s Health in the US

Congress and the Administration are moving forward with plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. If you haven't already, join Hadassah in urging your elected officials to ensure key women's health provisions — for research, prevention, and access to care.

Hadassah is proud to launch Advocacy Updates, which provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages will include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. If you are interested in breaking news and urgent action alerts, please also sign-up for our Email Action Network

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