Advocacy Update - January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

Advocacy Update - January 31, 2017

Hadassah's Advocacy Updates provide timely information about our Zionist and domestic policy work and how you can get involved.

Speak Out for Refugees & Immigrants

On January 24, Hadassah's National Board passed a new Refugees & Immigration Policy Statement, which has been shared with all congressional offices. As Jews we have a special understanding of the immigrant experience — especially refugees seeking safe haven from perilous circumstances occurring in their native countries. Last week, President Trump signed three executive orders targeting refugees and immigrants. Write to Congress and the Administration to share your support for American diversity, multiculturalism, and religious pluralism.

Stand Up for Reproductive Rights

Last week marked the forty-fourth anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, but the fight for reproductive rights is just as relevant as ever. President Trump signed an executive order reinstating and expanding the Mexico City Policy (global gag rule), which restricts US aid for international health programs and services. The House of Representatives also passed H.R. 7, which increases the financial burden for women seeking comprehensive reproductive coverage through the health insurance marketplace and permanently denies coverage to servicewomen, Medicaid recipients, and federal employees.

Legislators have introduced the bipartisan Global Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Act, which would permanently repeal the global gag rule and ensure funding for crucial women's health services, including maternal care, contraception, Zika prevention, and HIV testing. Health providers around the world should not have to decide between providing comprehensive health services and caring for all of their patients.

Urge your Senators to oppose H.R 7 and for all Members of Congress to support the HER Act!

Stay In the Know About Israel & Zionism

Sign up for Hadassah's Zionist Advocacy Backgrounders, and you'll get an email rundown each month of Hadassah's Zionist highlights, actions, and news about Israel, anti-Semitism, and international affairs. Subscribers also receive urgent Israel and domestic advocacy alerts, like the above action on refugees which was sent exclusively to advocacy email subscribers on Sunday. Read the January Zionist Backgrounder and register today.

Human Trafficking Awareness

Today is the last day of Human Trafficking Awareness Month! On January 11, Hadassah joined with the Jewish Coalition Against Trafficking to raise awareness and unite the Jewish community in the fight against human trafficking. You have already sent over 1,200 messages to state and federal elected officials promoting the Jewish Statement of Values. Sign now to be counted in the final tally of supporters!

Promote Women's Health Equity!

Keep urging your elected officials to ensure key women's health provisions — for research, prevention, and access to care — in any new health reform measures.

Hadassah Advocacy Updates provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. If you are interested in breaking news and urgent action alerts, please also sign-up for our Email Action Network. Hadassah has a proud legacy of advocacy and, as a charitable organization classified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is strictly non-partisan and is prohibited from any direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, political parties and candidates for public office.

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