Advocacy Update - June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017

Advocacy Update - June 8, 2017

Following the successful Women's Health Empowerment Summit, we must speak out for women's health equity in all aspects of our health system.

As Senate leaders start drafting a new healthcare bill, make your voice heard in support of maternity coverage and women's preventive health. Urge your legislators to support paid sick leave to allow employees to seek care and decrease the spread of illness in the workplace. Take a stand for genetic privacy, so patients can benefit from important preventive tests without fear of discrimination or onerous financial penalties. Visit the Hadassah National Action Center, which makes it easy to let your elected officials know these issues matter to you.

Check out highlights from the Women's Health Empowerment Summit, watch Summit videos, check out our photo gallery, and add your voice to the Summit social media conversation. Join the #HealthEquity4Her movement!

Thank Congress for Commemorating Jerusalem Reunification

On June 5, the Senate unanimously passed S. Res 176, a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. This resolution reaffirms the strong relationship between the US and Israel, its hopes for peace and prosperity for all of Jerusalem's residents and the people of Israel. The bill acknowledges a continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem for over three millennia, and recognizes it as a "united city in which the rights of all faiths have been respected and protected" since June 1967. Thank your Senator for supporting S. Res 176.

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