Advocacy Update - March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017

Advocacy Update - March 14, 2017

What Does Women's Health Mean to You?

As Congress starts debating specific changes to the Affordable Care Act, we need your help to safeguard women's health coverage. Insist that any new health reform measures include key women's health provisions, including maternity coverage, preventive health and avoiding gaps in care. Your personal messages can help change minds and save lives. Spread the word, too.

Thank you to everyone who has helped Hadassah send over 18,000 messages to elected officials so far this year. Visit the new and improved Hadassah National Action Center and keep it up!

Advocacy from Coast to Coast

So far this month, Hadassah advocates met with district staff for Senator Marco Rubio in Florida and Congresswoman Mimi Walters in California to promote a strong US-Israel relationship and gender equity in medicine.

Ask your local leaders about an upcoming Day in the District in your community or contact us for planning assistance.

Next Steps for Combating Anti-Semitism

Last week all 100 Senators co-signed a letter to the Attorney General, Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of the FBI urging coordinated action on combating anti-Semitism. "We can never be complacent, nor can we expect America to fulfill its potential, without constant vigilance," wrote Hadassah President Ellen Hershkin in her recent op-ed, "Battling hate in the spirit of Queen Esther," which ran in JTA, the Times of Israel, the Forward and several local papers.

It's time to act! Thank your elected officials for speaking out and urge Congress and the Administration to take further steps to address hate crimes and rising anti-Semitism — at home and abroad.

Learn how to advocate for Israel and join the conversation with David Harris, CEO of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) — our newest installment of Defining Zionism in the 21st Century.

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Hadassah Advocacy Updates provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. If you are interested in breaking news and urgent action alerts, please also sign-up for our Email Action Network. Hadassah has a proud legacy of advocacy and, as a charitable organization classified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is strictly non-partisan and is prohibited from any direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, political parties and candidates for public office.

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