Advocacy Update | Speak out on Capitol Hill

April 25, 2018

Advocacy Update | Speak out on Capitol Hill
Speak out on Capitol Hill about Gun Violence
A deadly situation was stopped by hero James Shaw Jr. who tackled a gunman in a Waffle House. Ultimately, four people died at the hands of a shooter with an AR-15 in Antioch, Tennessee on Sunday. Time and time again, we are reminded that gun violence is woven into the fabric of our lives. It doesn’t have to be this way, Hadassah supports common sense gun legislation that will work to prevent further gun violence. A much cited study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that women face a significantly higher risk of dying in the home than men (74% vs 45.5%) when a gun is present. Hadassah members are standing up and speaking out on issues that matter on Capitol Hill too. It’s not too late to join us on the Hill at our Celebration 2018. Register here.

Hadassah supports Holocaust Education
Hadassah is proudly partnering with Congresswoman Maloney to make sure that students across the United States will be able to receive quality education on the worst genocide of the 20th century. As a convener, Hadassah has worked side-by-side with the Congresswoman to use our networks of non-profit organizations around the country to garner support and endorsements for this bill. Send a letter asking Congress to support the Never Again Education Act (H.R. 1474), which would expand and encourage Holocaust education and its lessons for contemporary conflict. The legislation would authorize the Department of Education to award Holocaust education grants, funded by private donations, to educational institutions offering classes, resources, teacher training, and student field trips.

Combatting anti-Semitism
To combat anti-Semitic threats, Hadassah also supports the Protecting Religiously Affiliates Institutions Act of 2017 (H.R. 1730). It would broaden the scope of prohibited conduct in current law to criminalize threats to deface, damage or destroy religious real properties. The bill also expands the definition of protected property to real property owned or leased by a nonprofit, religiously affiliated organization. 

These three topics all tie into our current Talking Points for Days in the District, where you can meet your federal Legislator in their local district home office. The flavor and breadth of the Talking Points are examples of what will be used as Talking Points for our Day on the Hill at Celebration 2018 in Washington, D.C. May 17, 2018.  Contact to learn more!

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