Advocacy Update: Together We Can Make a Difference

February 14, 2018

Advocacy Update: Together We Can Make a Difference

Together We Can Make a Difference 

On February 14, Americans woke up to the 18th school shooting to take place in 2018. These senseless acts of violence instill fear in the lives of families who are left wondering if their local school will be next. The value of all human lives is central to our mission as a women’s Zionist organization.

In 2013, the National Board of Hadassah reaffirmed the statement it made in 2000 in support of stronger gun control legislation and enforcement of current laws to protect our communities and our nation from gun violence.

There are several pieces of legislation that can work to prevent devastation like the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Critical legislation is passed only if constituents demand it from their legislators. In addition to writing letters, Hadassah offers our members a unique opportunity to voice their opinions and shape legislative agendas through Day in the District. It is more important than ever to bring this subject to the attention of your legislators. Let your voices be heard. Send an email if you are interested in a Day in the District.

We join our shattered hearts together to put an end to these terrifying acts.

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Hadassah Advocacy Updates provide Hadassah members, Associates, and supporters with information about our Zionist and domestic policy work on a consistent basis. These messages include background information, policy overviews, opportunities for action, or a combination of updates. Hadassah has a proud legacy of advocacy and, as a charitable organization classified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is strictly non-partisan and is prohibited from any direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, political parties and canidates for public office. 

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