Border Guards and Developing Nations: An Eye Doctor's Mission

August 19, 2019

Border Guards and Developing Nations: An Eye Doctor's Mission

As 1200 Israeli border guards focus their eyes daily on Jerusalem to keep the city safe, headlines abound with reports of their being wounded by terrorists.

Yarden successfully stopped a terrorist who opened fire at the Damascus gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. But in the process, he sustained a severe injury. Shrapnel lodged itself in his eye, threatening his sight.

At home enjoying Sabbath dinner with this family, Prof. Itay Chowers, chair of the Hadassah Medical Organization’s Division of Ophthalmology, received a phone call. Hear Prof. Chowers tell the story of Yarden’s harrowing experience. Then share in his pride as he elaborates on Hadassah’s mission of not only healing the soldiers who protect the Israeli people, but also Hadassah’s outreach to developing countries to heal their eye diseases and trainlocal teams in the latest ophthalmic innovations.

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