Celebrating Iftar at Hadassah

June 28, 2016

Celebrating Iftar at Hadassah

At Hadassah Hospital-Mount Scopus, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim doctors, nurses, and other staff came together to celebrate Iftar, the meal eaten by Muslims during Ramadan after sunset.

"We celebrate our successful coexistence, our dedication to healing all, and our belief that medicine is a bridge for peace. Ramadan Kareem," said Dr. Osnat Levtzion-Korach, Director of Hadassah Hospital-Mount Scopus.

The festive meal, prepared by the hospital chef, included rice, beef, hummus, Middle Eastern salads, fruit and date maamoul cookies. The cookies were prepared by the children in the Hadassah School with the help of their teachers, who came up with the idea of Hadassah’s first Iftar meal event.

The Issawiya Dabke Dance Troupe, a group of young men who showcase traditional line dancing, performed as part of this joyous event.

To view the photo gallery click on the link.

To view a video of the Issawiya Dabke Dance Troupe performing at Hadassah Hospital-Mount Scopus, click on the link.

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