Celebrating the Hadassah-AIPAC Partnership

March 27, 2017

Celebrating the Hadassah-AIPAC Partnership

In an energetic room early Sunday evening, more than 150 women and men gathered at a special reception at AIPAC for Hadasash members and their friends and family.

In her welcoming remarks, Hadassah CEO/Executive Director Janice Weinman spoke of the "important, meaningful partnership" between  "two such powerful organizations — Hadassah and AIPAC." 

Hadassah and AIPAC, she said, "share common values, common purpose and common processes to educate members of Congress on

National President Ellen Hershkin gave a warm welcome, sharing the moving story of a boy born with a heart defect who survived, part of a moving tribute to the legacy of the late Prime Minister Shimon Peres, z"l. As depicted in the video, screened earlier at the AIPAC conference, the baby survived, thanks to a collaboration between the Peres Peace Center and Hadassah Medical Organization. That, she says, is an example, of "the pride we feel." That's the power of Women Who DO.

He's counting on Hadassah to come up with a cure! Find out how you can help today.

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