Comedy for a Cure in Boston

October 17, 2017

Comedy for a Cure in Boston

Calling Boston area women and men! You're invited to Nice T!ts: Breast Cancer Awareness Program on Sunday, October 22, presented by Hadassah Boston and the Newton Jewish Community Center. You'll laugh it up during this autobiographical one-woman comedy by breast cancer survivor Amy Marcs, and learn more during a panel discussion featuring TV anchor Kelley Tuthill as MC, plus Dr. Heather A Parsons, MD, MPH, an oncologist at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Dr. Jessica Erdmann-Sager, MD, a reconstructive breast surgeon at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

This event will bring together the Boston community to support research at the Hadassah Medical Organization and raise awareness of breast cancer.

"We hope people leave understanding her complex journey from diagnosis, to reconstructive surgery to the next chapter of her life," says Hadassah Boston President Varda Farber. "We're especially lucky to be able to pair Amy with our MC, Kelley Tuthill, a former TV anchor who was diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, who filmed segments throughout the process. She is the current VP of Marketing at Regis College in the Boston area."

With 200 attendees expected, Hadassah Boston is bringing important education and much-needed laughter during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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