July 6, 2020
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COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Confusion, Contradictions, and Changeability

July 6, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Confusion, Contradictions, and Changeability

“There is simultaneously a profusion of information, but a dearth of answers.” That’s how Barbara Sofer, the Israel director of public relations at Hadassah’s office in Israel, describes where we are in the COVID-19 pandemic in a column for the Jerusalem Post published on July 2. As Sofer explains in her article, contradictory advice and lack of clarity plague us as we try to decide whether it’s safe to go to the beach, visit family, or take a trip. Despite the sharing of ideas and data across national boundaries, “discomfort is the norm now,” she writes.

To read Sofer’s article, click here.

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