Daily Mail: Couple Recounts Narrow Escape

October 18, 2023

Daily Mail: Couple Recounts Narrow Escape

A couple in their 70s being treated at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus is expected to make a full recovery after a harrowing experience at the hands of Hamas terrorists on October 7.

Bullets pierced their hands as Moshe and Diana Rozen struggled to barricade the door of the safe room in their home on Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak, less than three miles from the Gaza border, the Daily Mail reports. The armed terrorists then forced their way inside and ordered the couple, blood dripping down, to march through the dense foliage surrounding their kibbutz.

When they reached the perimeter, Moshe made a fateful decision.

“I thought, in any case we were going to die. Better to die on the grass of our kibbutz than in some prison inside Gaza,” Moshe said. He told his wife to run.

They somehow made it back to their home and then sought safety with a neighbor, waiting hours more before help arrived.

With an overwhelming amount of people seeking care, it was longer still until they were transported to the Hadassah hospital, but from the moment they arrived at 4 am the next morning, “'a new world opened” for the couple.

“We went right away to surgery, and our care was amazing,” Moshe said.

Read the full story in the Daily Mail

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