Debby Mazon: Looking Back at a Major Triumph for Healthcare

May 29, 2024

Debby Mazon: Looking Back at a Major Triumph for Healthcare
Past Hadassah National President June Walker

“Women should not be seen as complainers, but rather as problem solvers,” said June Walker, z”l, then-Hadassah national president, to a room full of Hadassah region presidents in 2003.

The problem? President George W. Bush was working to block federal funding for future stem cell research, an area in which the Hadassah Medical Organization was engaged in groundbreaking research. The solution? Flooding the White House phone lines, during the 2004 Hadassah National Convention, demanding federal funding. And more.

Hadassah American Affairs Advocacy Chair Debby Mazon writes in The Times of Israel about mirroring Walker’s fearless leadership and speaking out about the potential impact of the Hadassah Medical Organization’s lifesaving stem cell research.

Mazon’s blog makes for the perfect Jewish American Heritage Month story, telling how Hadassah women have impactfully contributed to healthcare in our country.

Read “Speak Up! You Will Be Heard: How Hadassah Taught Me to Be Fearless” by Debby Mazon in The Times of Israel.

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