Embracing All Zionists

May 17, 2024

Embracing All Zionists

In “Hadassah’s Big Tent Welcomes All Zionists” in The Times of Israel, Diana Diner describes the Hadassah programs she’s helped initiate in her role as Hadassah’s Israel and Zionism educator, creating “opportunities for Jewish women struggling with what it means to be a 21st-century Zionist to see that they are not alone — that many people are trying to sort through the issues, which are complicated, as are the emotions attached to them.”

When anti-Israel sentiment and protests broke out on college campuses around the country, Hadassah was one of the few organizations to connect directly with parents about their children’s safety, helping them understand the role social media plays in shaping how the world sees Israel and Zionism.

Read the “Hadassah’s Big Tent Welcomes All Zionists” blog post in The Times of Israel.

Diana Diner is on Hadassah’s 2024 list of 18 American Zionist Women You Should Know. See who else is on the list.

Learn how you can help fight antisemitism.

Read our resource about countering anti-Zionist misinformation.

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