Experiencing Shabbat During the Coronavirus Pandemic

March 27, 2020

Experiencing Shabbat During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Patricia Levinson’s Shabbat column for Thrive Global explores Shabbat in the time of the coronavirus. Patricia reflects on how the isolation, fear and anxiety of the pandemic have been offset by the traditions and continuity which Shabbat represents, maintaining a sense of faith and enduring community.

Currently Coordinator of the Hadassah National Marketing and Communications Division, Patricia has been on the Hadassah National Board for 31 years and is a member of Hadassah International’s Board of Directors.

In her column, Patricia reflects on how this modern plague has given her a new appreciation of the biblical plagues we commemorate each year during Passover.

This article is part of Hadassah’s series in Shabbat: A Day of Rest from Thrive Global, the new media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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