Finding Hope on a Hadassah Solidarity Mission

May 29, 2024

Finding Hope on a Hadassah Solidarity Mission

“Despite the darkness following the October 7 massacre of Israelis by Hamas, Hadassah’s Solidarity Mission provided me with many moments of hope,” Michelle Conwisar, immediate past president of Hadassah Southern California, writes in a blog post for the Times of Israel.

In the post, Conwiser talks about her visit to the new Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, where her group met with one of the center’s first rehabilitation patients, a police officer from Sderot, whose arm was severely shattered on October 7.

“After several surgeries to implant screws and plates, followed by extensive rehabilitation therapy, this determined police officer has gained back almost the full range of motion in his arm and is grateful to Hadassah and the Gandel Rehabilitation Center,” she writes.

In her column, the second in a four-part series, Conwiser also talks about “powerful” briefings at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, volunteering at a Jerusalem food bank and visiting a Jerusalem hotel where displaced families from the north are living.

Read the full blog post in the Times of Israel.

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