Finding Shabbat: A Moment of Jewish Self-Discovery to Last a Lifetime

March 14, 2019

Finding Shabbat: A Moment of Jewish Self-Discovery to Last a Lifetime

Shabbat was “one of the most poignant parts of discovering my Jewish identity,” writes Hadassah leader Judy Shereck at Thrive Global in “Shabbat In My Life.” 

“I grew up in a household with almost no Jewish atmosphere. My father, who was from Russia, was very busy being Mr. American. I knew that I was Jewish but that was the extent. Shabbat wasn’t celebrated, nor major holidays observed. Our cultural identity was American, fully. It was all I knew and I did not question it,” begins Judy, Coordinator of Hadassah’s PRAZE Division. Read the full article now.

This article is the third in Hadassah’s monthly series about Shabbat in Thrive Global, the new media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

Want more?

“Shabbat Provides a Rooting, a Grounding, an Anchoring of Generational Bonding” by Hadassah Executive Director/CEO Janice Weinman

Hitting Pause: Shabbat is an Idea whose time Has Come” by Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin.

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