First Day on the Job: New Hadassah DG Re-dedicates Synagogue

February 3, 2016

First Day on the Job: New Hadassah DG Re-dedicates Synagogue

On his very first day as the Hadassah Medical Organization's new Director General, Prof. Zeev Rotstein, affixed a mezuzah onto the newly refurbished Kaplan synagogue at Hadassah Hospital-Ein Kerem.

At the dedication, Prof. Rotstein noted: "I left Sheba Hospital this morning, and my last act as Director General there was arranging for a new synagogue. How symbolic it is that my first public act as Director General of Hadassah is re-dedicating a synagogue at Hadassah. Just as we renew this synagogue, so too will all of Hadassah be renewed.  I know we will move ahead with the cooperation of the staff of Hadassah and the wonderful supporters of HWZOA and Hadassah International."

The synagogue was named in memory of Aline Kaplan, former Executive Director of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, who trained several generations of Hadassah leaders.

The small synagogue, one of three at the Ein Kerem medical complex, is in continual use since many individuals come in to pray in solitude, while others organize prayer minyans (quorums).

There is also the Abbell Synagogue, which houses the renowned Chagall windows, and the Saba Synagogue, named for a Hadassah Mexico supporter and located in the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower. 

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