First Ladies Melania Trump and Sara Netanyahu Visit Hadassah Hospital

May 23, 2017

First Ladies Melania Trump and Sara Netanyahu Visit Hadassah Hospital

First Ladies Melania Trump and Sara Netanyahu Visit Hadassah Hospital

Please share our pride in Hadassah Hospital, singled out by the Israeli government to showcase the nation’s top-quality medicine, top doctors, and innovative medical research. First Lady Melania Trump and First Lady Sara Netanyahu visited Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem on May 22, putting an international spotlight on Hadassah, and earning international attention as a "center of coexistence" in Israel, including in the Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, USA Today, the New York Times, ABC News, CBS News, the New York Daily News, SF Gate, the Chicago Tribune and others.

Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin and Hadassah Medical Organization Director General Prof. Zeev Rotstein welcomed the special guests, introducing Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Netanyahu to a representative group of Hadassah physicians and nurses, whose daily efforts embody our philosophy of serving as a bridge to peace.  Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Netanyahu then walked outside to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital children’s playground, where they greeted Hadassah pediatric patients and nurses of diverse backgrounds. On the way, they passed a bench in the Hadassah Hospital dedicated to both first ladies in honor of this special visit. Both first ladies sat with the children, presenting gifts of games and books.

The children presented each first lady with an album featuring their drawings and photos, dedicating one with a note on the cover: “Dear Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States: The Hadassah Children want to dedicate this album to you.” Mrs. Trump seemed particularly moved, and thanked the children who had made it for her.

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