Flying High With Hadassah

February 18, 2021

Flying High With Hadassah

Oz Ganot was only a few months old when Hadassah's Chief of Pediatric Urology Dr. Guy Hidas treated him for testicular cancer. As a three-year-old, he hated exams.

“He screamed and threw himself about when doctors approached,” says Dr. Hidas. “But checking him regularly is critical.”

So at his last exam, Dr, Hidas began the visit by giving an exam . . . to a toy airplane. He put the airplane down next to the little boy. First, the doctor examined the airplane. 

“If you let me check you, too, then we can go fly the plane together,” Dr. Hidas promised the now-intrigued little boy. 

So Oz submitted to the exam, and patient and doctor ran down the Hadassah corridors, making engine-roaring sounds and flying the jet to imaginary destinations. 

Says mom Ta’ir Emunah Ganot, “When we got home, Oz told me how much fun the hospital visit was. Dr. Hidas is not just a physician but also an amazing person who has made us feel secure through this worrisome disease. There is no limit to our appreciation for the creative and compassionate staff at Hadassah Hospital.” 

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