From War Wounded to Medical Clowning at Hadassah

September 13, 2024

From War Wounded to Medical Clowning at Hadassah

A world-first program has taken shape at Hadassah: war-injured soldiers are being trained to professionally assist other patients as part of medical clowning in the Hadassah clown unit.

One IDF soldier, Menachem, who was severely injured in Gaza, underwent complex surgeries and endured a long and grueling rehabilitation at Hadassah until he was back on his feet.

“Now, he will be the first medical clown to rise from the ruins –– helping to heal others, bringing laughter to the wards and using his newfound strength to heal, guide and connect with others' struggles," said David “Dush” Barashi, the chief medical clown at Hadassah, who established the unique Af Al Atzmi (Nose Always Knows) program.

At Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, Barashi and his team regularly work alongside hospitalized children and support family members to bring comfort and lightheartedness to a difficult time.

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