Gandel Rehabilitation Center to Help Israelis Heal

November 6, 2023

Gandel Rehabilitation Center to Help Israelis Heal

Rehabilitation is a way of “redefining hope,” said Dr. Tamar Elram, director of Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, which will soon complete its new Gandel Rehabilitation Center, significantly increasing the number of patients the hospital can treat.

“After a man or a woman is unfortunately wounded, whether in a car accident or from disease or in a terrorist attack like we’re experiencing today, they might not necessarily go back to the life they knew before,” said Dr. Elram during Hadassah’s live briefing about Hadassash’s war-response efforts on November 2. “But then our object is to redefine what hope is for them, what is their new way of health and living?

The Hadassah Medical Organization is currently home to the only rehabilitation center in Jerusalem. Even before the war, the need for more services was acute, but now it’s vital.

“One of the things that sets the Hadassah Medical Organization apart from other hospitals in Israel is our comprehensive approach to long-term rehabilitation care for severely injured patients,” said Robert Dorfman, former president of Hadassah International.

It’s something that one wounded patient is experiencing after being shot in the hand on October 7 and beginning rehab. Part of a special unit of the border police, the man kept his face covered so as not to be identified during the briefing. Visible were his Star of David necklace and the bandages on his hand.

“I’m glad that I’m at Hadassah; they take care of me very well,” the man said, adding that he is hopeful that the rehabilitation services will help him return to his unit.

In addition to increasing capacity, the Gandel Center, when complete, will give patients room to thrive in a “healing environment,” said Dr. Shir Ben-Yehuda, a rehabilitation physician at the Hadassah Medical Organization “It’s very important to the rehabilitation process,” she said.

“We know that, unfortunately and sadly, before this war is declared over, there will be many more who need our hospitals and remarkable medical teams,” Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow said, anticipating an influx of patients who need long-term rehabilitation services. “We are deeply grateful for the doctors, the nurses and the staff for all they are doing for the patients and for each other during this very difficult time.”

Hadassah supporters also received an on-the-ground update during the briefing from Nir Barkat, former mayor of Jerusalem.

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