Hadassah Doctor Flies to Japan to Look After Israelis with Coronavirus

February 18, 2020

Hadassah Doctor Flies to Japan to Look After Israelis with Coronavirus

At the request of the Israel Health Ministry, Hadassah Medical Organization microbiology and infectious disease specialist Prof. Ran Nir-Paz is traveling to Japan to care for the three Israelis said to have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The Israelis were among thousands of passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship who were quarantined by the Japanese authorities. More than 350 passengers have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus.

Two of the Israelis are reportedly hospitalized, with a third confirmed case awaiting hospitalization.

“The reason for the trip is to ensure that the Israelis are getting the right treatment,” explains Dr. Nir-Paz. “We have to be certain that they can come home healthy without affecting the people they travel with or anyone back in Israel.”

Currently, there are no reported cases in Israel, and Hadassah-trained Dr. Nir-Paz hopes it will stay that way. Even if a few cases were to occur, Dr. Nir-Paz emphasizes that there is no cause for panic.

“I’m not worried about going. It shouldn’t be a dangerous mission,” says Dr. Nir-Paz. “My family is naturally concerned, but I sat with them and showed them the numbers of people affected, and they saw that the risk is not big. I received their blessing for a safe journey.”

For the most current information on the coronavirus, please listen to our recent podcast episode of Hadassah On Call

Read more in From the Grapevine, written by journalist and Hadassah On Call podcast host Benyamin Cohen

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