Hadassah Fetal Surgery Saves Baby with Diaphragm Defect

January 27, 2016

Hadassah Fetal Surgery Saves Baby with Diaphragm Defect

In a routine ultrasound, Limor learned that her baby had a fatal defect in his diaphragm; however, thanks to fetal surgery by Hadassah Medical Center’s Dr. Yuval Gielchinsky, the baby, Yosef Hayim, was born healthy, breathing on his own.

Typically, in the case of such defects, abortion is recommended because the baby usually gasps for air and dies almost immediately after birth. Limor and her husband, Nir, did not want to choose abortion. Fortunately, their Rabbi suggested they go to see Dr. Gielchinsky, Hadassah’s Fetal Medicine Specialist.

Israel TV 2 video

Watch this amazing video of Dr. Gielchinsky performing the surgery on the baby in utero, using a fetoscope and a balloon. He even gives the baby a shot of painkiller in his leg to ensure that he doesn’t suffer any pain.

Dr. Gielchinsky was trained in fetal surgery in London by the world expert in this field, Prof. Kypros Nicolaides. He is the only doctor in Israel, and one of only 30 worldwide, who can do this surgery in the womb.

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