Hadassah Hospital Treats Terror Victims After Stabbing Attacks

September 19, 2016

Hadassah Hospital Treats Terror Victims After Stabbing Attacks

This last week has brought a burst of terror attacks. Hadassah's hospitals continue to treat both the victims and the terrorists.

On Sunday morning at 6 am, in Efrat security cameras recorded a suspicious person walking towards the city. The local security alerted the IDF.

Around 6 am an officer and two other soldiers were near a greenery. The terrorist was hiding there and in a split second jumped forward and attacked the officer, stabbing him in the chest. The other soldiers shot and neutralized the terrorist.

They were both rushed to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem's Swartz Center for Emergency Medicine, which has a shock trauma center. The officer who was attacked, Eli Stern, 30, is originally from Mitzpe Yericho and now resides in Kibbutz Ravid in the North. He is in stable condition.

The terrorist, Baha a-Din Muhammad Khalil, around 30, is in the intensive care unit at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem.

In an additional incident Monday morning, police officer Yaakov Kurdo, 47, was stabbed at Herod's Gate ("Shaar Haprachim") in the Old City. A terrorist followed two officers from Damascus Gate, and stabbed them. Officer Kurdo managed to open fire in the midst of the attack, shooting and neutralizing the terrorist. He was stabbed in the neck from behind. According to Head of Surgery Prof. Alon Pikarsky, the knife went through his neck without touching vital blood vessels. He was also treated in the Swartz Center for Emergency Medicine and will undergo additional tests.  Officer Kurdo is familiar with terrorist attacks, he previously survived a stabbing near Damascus Gate a year ago. The terrorist who attacked him was shot in the legs and head and is in severe condition. He is intubated and on a breathing machine, at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus.

Write to your elected officials urging them to continue pressuring the international community – and especially the Palestinian leadership – to condemn these ongoing barbaric acts. 

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