Hadassah Joins Jewish Agency in Resolution on Return of Hamas Captives

March 16, 2020

Hadassah Joins Jewish Agency in Resolution on Return of Hamas Captives

Hadassah stands together with the Jewish Agency for Israel Board of Governors' resolution on March 8, 2020 calling on Jews from around the world in help in efforts to bring back the body of Hadar Goldin to Israel for a burial. Hadassah is a member organization of The Jewish Agency.

Hadar was killed in the IDF's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014 and Hamas has not yet returned his body to Israel.  The Resolution also calls for the remains of Oron Shaul, who was also killed in Operation Protective Edge, to be returned to Israel, and for the release of two Israeli civilians, Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed, who are currently being held in Gaza.

“Hadassah echoes the resolution and calls upon Jewish communities and organizations worldwide to raise awareness of the families’ pain, and find ways to express solidarity with, and support, of their struggle,” said Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow.

The bodies IDF soldiers Goldin and Shaul were taken by Hamas and are currently held in Gaza.  Leah Goldin, mother of Hadar Goldin, has been very vocal about bringing back her son and all others held for burial in Israel.   Most recently she spoke to the Jewish Agency for Israel Board of Governers, after which they signed the above resolution.  

The full text of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors’ text is as follows:

The Jewish Agency Board of Governors, unanimously resolved today to call on Jewish communities and organizations around the world to raise awareness of the pain of the families of the soldiers, Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul, and the families of the missing civilians, Avera Mangistu and Hisham Al-Sayed, who are being held in Gaza, and to find ways to express solidarity with, and support of, their struggle.

 In addition, the resolution calls for governments around the world to become involved in this important humanitarian mission, and to assist in efforts to bring our sons back to the borders of the State of Israel.

Leah Goldin – mother of missing soldier Lt. Hadar Goldin, to the Jewish Agency Board of Governors: “We ask that our sons are brought back, as we’ve already paid the highest price possible.”

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