Hadassah Medical Organization Update From the Director General

October 22, 2023

Hadassah Medical Organization Update From the Director General
"Hadassah offers a beacon of hope amid a landscape marred by turmoil. Your support remains our stronghold as we continue delivering lifesaving and mental health services to those severely affected by the ongoing war."

In the early hours of October 7, Moshe and Diana Rozen, an elderly couple from a kibbutz just miles from the Gaza border, were violently abducted and forced into hostile territory. Despite severe injuries, their resolve was unyielding as they refused to comply with their Hamas captors, ultimately leading to their release. Their arduous journey culminated at the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), where they took their first steps toward recovery. HMO is a sanctuary of healing and has the unique expertise to deliver specialized critical care as well as trauma and mental health services to the many wounded in the conflict.

Your generous donations have facilitated the provision of urgent medical care and enabled our hospitals to establish new emergency facilities in a matter of days in preparation for an influx of patients. These underground areas are meticulously engineered to operate under the most extreme conditions.

As we look ahead, there will be a dire need for comprehensive rehabilitation services for the thousands injured in this war. We have therefore accelerated efforts to complete construction of the Gandel Rehabilitation Center at HMO’s Mount Scopus campus, poised to quadruple our capacity to treat rehabilitation patients holistically and in a state-of-the-art facility.

Additionally, this past week, HMO hosted President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog, alongside a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which visited Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem as part of its emergency solidarity mission. Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow and CEO Naomi Adler represented Hadassah among more than 50 leaders of Jewish organizations and philanthropists.

Hadassah offers a beacon of hope amid a landscape marred by turmoil. Your support remains our stronghold as we continue delivering lifesaving and mental health services to those severely affected by the ongoing war. We need your support today, so please give now.

Thank you for standing with Israel. Thank you for standing with Hadassah.

Warmest regards,
Prof. Yoram Weiss, Director General
Hadassah Medical Organization

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